Blog Archive

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Beginning of the end.

A week from now, plus a few hours, I will be back in Chicago... I can't wait.  Thinking about friends, family, the dog, food, my car, and anything American just gets me over excited.  I actually almost started packing last night, but it's still a bit too early for that.

One month in Egypt.  Three months in Jordan.  People say that you don't really begin to enjoy study abroad until the end of the semester.  And those people are right.  For three months, whenever people asked me how I like Jordan, I would always hesitate before I could formulate an appropriate answer.  I do like it, I'm just not terribly excited about it.  [I usually don't say that last part.]  But this past Friday was the first time someone asked me the question, "What do you think of Jordan?" and I answered truthfully, "I love it."

When it hit me that Jordan has finally grown on me, I got a knot in my stomach, sort of like when I graduated high school.  For four years I had wanted to get out of there, and when it came time to leave, I all of a sudden felt attached.  Yet at the same time, I was ready to move on.  Pretty much the same way I feel about Jordan now.  But it's ok, because I decided that after I graduate, I'm going to spend at least a month traveling around the Middle East and meeting up with all my friends here. :-)

T-7 days.

P.S. I HELD A BABY SHEEP ON FRIDAY.  IT WAS SO FLUFFY.  When Haneen puts pictures on facebook from the bbq at her house, I'll be sure to put it on here!

1 comment:

  1. Start working on your Fulbright. You can continue with the harassment angle or women's role in Egypt after the revolution. At least it will be paid for :)!
