Blog Archive

Monday, January 17, 2011

Rain, rain, go away...

Who'd a thunk that it rains so much in Egypt? Granted it's not raining heavily, but it's rained the last few days in a row. Lauren and I had to traipse through muddy streets and rain to get to class this morning. On the plus side, the rain does clear out the smog pretty good, so the air actually smells nice now, and breathing has become much more enjoyable. It's so dang cold though, I'm going to go to their giant mall this weekend and buy a cute coat, because I'm tired of always wearing the one blue sweatshirt I brought with me. That was a poor life decision.

Life is finally getting into a routine now that classes started. I had 10:30 class this morning, and now I have a break til 4:30. Christine and I are going to go out for lunch and do a bunch of errands before our Intro to Ancient Egypt class (I might buy more snacks... I'm always hungry!).

I really don't have much to report at the moment... just classes, starting homework (oh my gosh, we have SO MANY TEXTBOOKS AND READINGS for Egyptology.... like over $500 plus huge course readers full of extra readings), and whatnot. More updates later!

Oh, and ps I walked home by myself for the first time today! Haha, what a milestone. I now know my way around Dokki and can cross streets by myself, huzzah!


  1. Well its snowing like crazy here in Milwaukee! ..Only I'm sure its waaaaaaay better in Egypt! Reading your blogs vicariously through you so keep it interesting :)--oh by the way its your cuz Claire!

  2. Your iphone has a nice GPS that you can use if you get lost! Keep safe. I'm interested in your mall experience-what are they like? Did you get something cute?
