Blog Archive

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I'll be home for Sunday dinner

Wow, how weird is that... I feel like I spend about 25% of my day now just thinking about how weird it is to go home.  Hala gave me a bunch of re-entry orientation materials to look through, I probably won't get a chance to get to them til right before I leave.

I'm currently in the middle of the final push through finals.  Took my Modern Standard Arabic exam this morning (it was actually really hard!) and got my anthropology take-home final.  I have three more pages for that to finish (seven total) for tomorrow and then reviewing vocab for my Jordanian Arabic and Media Arabic exams, tomorrow as well.  And then I am freeeeee! I really have no idea what I'm going to do Friday and Saturday, other than pack.

Ma' salama, Amman... I wish I had the time or energy to make a really thoughtful post.  Insha'allah I'll have time for that this weekend, once finals are over.  Home stretch!


  1. Can't wait to see you!
    Love you Sweetie

  2. Sunday dinner! And I'll be there by Wednesday lunch! Can't wait!!
