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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Aqaba and PTSD

This past weekend I took my first trip outside of the city I am residing in! Hurray! Myself and about 20 of us AMIDEAST-ers headed down south to Aqaba to enjoy warmth and beach. It was quite satisfying.  I got enough vitamin D to sustain me until Amman decides to stop being gloomy.

Aqaba is approx a 3 and half - 4 hour drive (or ya know, 5 hours, the way the bus stops every 10 miles for a cigarette break). I know pretty much nothing about Jordanian geography, so all I really knew was that Aqaba is far enough south to be warm, and it's on the Red Sea. Totally didn't actually think about what that meant until we got down there.

During our bus to the somewhat secluded public beach (taxi drivers kept trying to take us to "South Beach" - I found that amusing), the driver commented that if we kept going 10 km from where the beach is (which was 12 km from downtown Aqaba), we would be at the Saudi Arabian border. Crazy! We could see the Saudi mountains from the beach! Also, some random beach-goer (I think, or maybe it was the same driver?) showed us where Israel ends and Egypt begins across the sea. It was close enough to swim - I think. I can't swim so I couldn't do it, but I bet someone could.

As night fell and all the cheesy tourist spots receded a bit, one of my friends pointed - "Hey look! Israel!" I was so confused! But sure enough, I followed his gaze and just across the sea from downtown Aqaba (at that point the sea seemed just a bit wider than the Mississippi) I saw what appeared to be this huge lit-up town, America-style. I didn't realize we were so close to the Israeli border. Someone commented that even though the Israeli town looked 10 times bigger and richer than Aqaba, it was probably dinky by Israeli standards. Seeing such a stark contrast between the economic situations of the two countries was a little unnerving. :-/

The next morning, I was waiting in a friend's room before going out to breakfast. We noticed that there were 4 air force planes flying overhead! At first we were really confused - were they the Israeli air force? If so, what were they doing so close to Aqaba? Then they flew directly over the city, really low, mind you, so we just figured they were Jordanian. It was really fun to watch them, while 3 were flying formations over the Red Sea, one was just like "I do what I want!" and started flying straight up into the air until his engine sputtered out, free fell for a bit, restarted his engine, and pulled out of the dive. The first time it was terrifying because I thought he would crash, but then he did it ten or so more times and it was awesome!

Walking to the elevator, I commented, "If I hadn't seen those planes before I heard them, I probably would have started freaking out...." and Ian agreed. To this day, the Cairo AMIDEAST-ers jump whenever fireworks are set off, or any sound like a gun shot. Planes too, because of the fighter jets over Cairo. I wonder if/when that reaction will ever go away.

I only spent two days in Aqaba, but Erin and I decided we need to come back. Despite the increased unwanted attention from guys, it was relaxing and rejuvenating. All I did basically was eat, sleep, and lie on the beach. Perfect! I'll be back in March, insha'allah.

1 comment:

  1. bahebbik!
    remember that time I wanted to get a flying licence? There's a part for some aircraft licence exams that requires you to be able to pull out of a stall situation. Maybe the jet pilot people had to do it a bunch've times? Or there was a show or something? I'm glad we get to skype! ze end
