Blog Archive

Friday, January 21, 2011

Yoga and food

This is for Erica - yes, I have been doing yoga! I actually just started a couple days ago and I'm already sore from it. But it's a really nice break. And for Dad, it keeps me in shape without having to spend 1000 pounds ($200) on a gym membership! 

And for Mom and Dad - you'll be pleased to know that I am actually eating very well here. I know you were concerned about me because Egyptian food has been rumored to be not too great. But never fear! I actually have been cooking for myself (usually with my roommate Christine, who is also Italian) a lot. We've made pasta with garlic and olive oil and peppers, we've made veggie stir fry, fruit salads, eggplant slices, and banana bread. (That last one was all me!) And that's just the beginning! And because we cook it ourselves with fresh veggies, we know it's safe and healthy.

That's another thing - there are so many fresh fruit and vegetables here, it's great. We currently have oranges and honeydew in our fridge, we just finished my strawberries, and we had pineapple in the fruit salad. 

Besides cooking for ourselves, we've done some restaurant exploration as well. The first place we were taken to, Gad, that I blogged about earlier, is still a staple. Their food is clean and good. I love their plain foul, their chicken shawerma, falafel, hummus, and cucumber cheese dip. The famous koshary place, Koshary Tahrir, is also a good one that we want to go back to. (Koshary is an Egyptian food that's kind of like goulash - two kinds of pasta, rice, lentils, chickpeas, onions, sometimes ground beef I think, and a tomato sauce). We also found a koshary place closer to us on Dokki street. We just tried out a shawerma place by our grocery store. Christine and I went to a really good restaurant near our classes called Zein that the girls from last semester told us about. It was pricey (about $6-8 dollars a plate), but they gave a lot of food and it was delicious. And they have free internet!

When we don't feel like going out, we use, which is an online ordering system for many of the restaurants in Cairo. I think that's actually what I'm doing tonight. There are some Indian restaurants around here... I'm ready for a break from Egyptian food!

There was really no point to this post other than to update my parents on my eating habits while here and  avoid doing homework... I guess I should go do that now.


  1. Thanks for the nutritional update. I liked our Egyptian dips and pita! Sounds like you are doing just fine in the eating department! Stay healthy.

  2. Will you be able to take belly dancing? (and teach me when you get home?)
